Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pray FORE! Grace (Part 2)

Last week, I posted about Grace Shin, a golfer here at UCO recently diagnosed with ALL Leukemia.

She has seen such great support through social media posts and constant encouragement through text messages.

Now, it's time for us to help her family out too.

If you've ever been to the hospital for stitches, or taken a ride in an ambulance, you know how expensive medical bills can be.

Imagine receiving 24 hour treatment, and living in that hospital bed for weeks. That's what the Shin family is going through as we speak.

Of course they don't mind. They will do whatever it takes to get Grace the best treatment possible!

So my question is, why shouldn't we?

Someone way more creative than me designed these t-shirts, which are $20, and go directly to the Shin family to help offset medical costs.

Our golf team was sent the link a couple of days ago, and we already have a few guys wanting to buy the shirt. I've also seen other people post on social media about it, and it has generated a lot of interest.

As the post says, you contact Michael Bond, the women's golf coach, to buy a shirt. You can also reach out to anyone on the women's golf team, many of whom have already tweeted out the same picture.

You can either spend $20 on yourself, or you can spend $20 to help save a life.

Your choice.

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